Friday, 11 April 2014

How Much For Da Graffiti?

“Speak softly, but carry a big can of paint.” 
― Banksy, Wall and Piece.
The reality of the situation when it comes to graffiti - be it street art or writings on walls, is graffiti hurts alot of people; homeoenwers, businesses, schools and communities. It's cost on society can be looked at in terms of decrease in retail sales, safety and clean up costs.

The photo above was taken along St. James Street, P.O.S it is basically a tag done by "kraze". Throughout the city there are multiple tags done by "Kraze". However, what may just seem like the tagging of an empty space to claim an identity or to gain recognition for others does have serious effects. There is a perception that graffiti is associated with blight and alarms patrons of the city of gang activity (Weisel, 2002). It gives the impression that the city is spiraling downward because which can cause many businesses to loose appeal to consumers.
In terms of safety, because of the presence of graffiti in an area many patrons may feel unsafe in that area because if vandalism is tolerated more serious crimes may be unchallenged. Shockingly, in Trinidad the owner or occupant of  a property that graffiti is found one may be required to clean it up at their own cost! (Judging from all the graffiti that persists throughout P.O.S it leaves one to wonder if this law is enforced.

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